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«Light and Warmth» brought Joy and Love

Our Christmas campaign was a complete success again this year! Happy children in Zambia and grateful people in Bulgaria were blessed with joy and love through light and warmth. Gordon Merk reports.

Gordon Merk in the home for orphaned or abandoned children and youth


The Christmas campaign began happily at the home for orphaned or abandoned children and young people in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria. Gordon Merk was welcomed with great joy. It was a wonderful celebration with dancing and singing by the children and young people. A group of dedicated local people were also present, inspired by the work of the ‘Heart for Bulgaria’ association. Our Pizza donations for the day care centre ‘Faith and Love’ was also a great joy.

Dobrinka was moved to tears when we went to visit her and her mentally ill son, Vasil, after the firewood delivery. They have only recently joined the association for people with disabilities and this was the first donation they had received. They are very grateful to us! Firewood brings warmth to the house, but also to the soul through this labour of love. The people are also pleased to be thought of. Too many are simply forgotten...

Dobrika with her son (at the back)

Dobrinka's husband died recently and life became even more difficult. Her son needs constant care, but state support is minimal. She tells us about her fate. Dimitrika Kaneva, president of the association, is proactive for her members, but it was not easy to listen to all this. She also has an adult ‘child’ who is dependent on care. Such mothers are very worried about what will happen to their children after they pass away. We tried to comfort and encourage Dobrinka.

On our next visit, we met Kostadin. He lost his left leg in a car accident. But despite everything, he is in good spirits. We were also able to give him light and warmth through firewood. Maria Donova (‘Baba Mara’) sends her best wishes to Switzerland. Until recently, she was Vice President of the Red Cross in Bratsigovo and knows about the needs of many elderly people. What ‘FCTrelief’ and ‘Heart for Bulgaria’ are doing is making a real difference!

Baba Mara with great joy

At Christmas, we also gave away food parcels: 135 at the association for people with disabilities and 167 at the association for retired people. On the Friday before Christmas, Gordon attended the annual Christmas party. Once again, he heard that people are touched above all by the fact that they are thought of. ‘We really appreciate the attention you give us,’ shared a grateful grandmother. Our loyal, long-standing support means a lot to people.

Food parcels for elderly people in Bratsigovo, Bulgaria


In Zambia, the year ended with two weeks of workshops, crowned with a beauty contest and a ‘Special Meal’ with a gifta solar lamp. The pupils took part in various activities. There were sports, dance and music, as well as important inputs and interesting discussions on relevant topics. They enjoyed everything.

Our «Beauty Queens» at FCTrelief

The workshops are always very informative. For example, the online session on ‘Teenage Pregnancy,’ which Gordon organised with a youth pastor from South Africa. Grace from Zimbabwe, who grew up in South Africa, became pregnant at 18. She shared how she and her single mother (40) coped with this challenge and what she learnt from it. She gave an impressive account of the impact this had on her schooling and the consequences for her present and future.

At FCTrelief, we not only teach our children academically, but also impart good values and practical wisdom so that they can master their lives and build a bright future. These instructions are a ‘light’ that gives them a healthy direction in life. So the solar lamps were also a symbolically important gift. They were happily receivedlight and warmth from FCTrelief!

Joy over the Gift!



On behalf of FCTrelief, the happy children in Zambia and the grateful people in Bulgaria, we would like to thank all our sponsors and benefactors. It was a good year and we are looking forward to the new one! Let's continue to do good together, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.

We wish you all a Happy New Year!


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